Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment
For most patients, straight teeth mean a terrific smile. But did you know that properly aligned teeth are healthier than misaligned teeth? Overlapped, crooked, or rotated teeth create a daily cleaning challenge. Food and bacterial plaque accumulate slowly in the tiny spaces that your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. The acidic toxins that seep out of the bacterial sludge can lead to cavities and inflamed gums. Helping even a couple straggling teeth find their proper place can leave you with a healthier mouth. And the faster you achieve a straighter smile, the better. That’s why we use Propel® Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment.
When gentle pressure is applied to teeth, they begin to move. Some bone cells around the teeth start to disappear, and new ones begin to form. This back-and-forth cellular process allows teeth to move from one position to another. But straightening of your teeth takes time due to this slow bone remodeling.
Propel® offers an exciting enhancement to orthodontic treatment. By using a small, handheld device around the teeth, we encourage the bone to change significantly faster than average. This accelerates tooth movement, and can reduce treatment time by half.
Orthodontics involves teeth straightening and jaw alignment, combining beauty and function. Helping you reach your desired final smile as quickly as possible is our goal.